Governor Newsom’s Proposed Budget for Higher Education.

Governor Newsom’s Proposed Budget for Higher Education.



The Governor’s budget proposes $36.4 billion for higher education. UC would receive $9.6 billion, an increase of 3%. CSU would receive $7.8 billion, an increase of 6%. Community Colleges would receive $16.2 billion, an increase of 2.6%. Student Aid would receive $2.7 billion, an increase of 12%.


UC enrolls 270,000 students; CSU enrolls 410,000 students, and Community Colleges enroll 2.2 million students. Over 365,000 college students received CalGrants to help with their tuition costs in 2017-18


UC has experienced a 20% growth in enrollment since 2010. Its funding increases of $200 million are for the following:

·      $119.8 million to support increased operational costs.

·      $49.9 million to increase degree attainment and student success.

·      $15 million to address student hunger and housing needs.

·      $10 million to continue support of 2018-19 enrollment growth.

·      $5.3 million to improve student mental health programs.


CSU has experienced a 22% growth in enrollment since 2010 and improvements in graduation rates and timely graduation. Its funding increase of $300 million is for the following:

·      $193 million to support increased operational costs.

·      $62 million to support 2 percent enrollment growth, which is an increase of more 
than 7,000 students.

·      $45 million to support continued progress toward achieving the goals of higher and quicker graduation rates.

California’s Community Colleges will now become tuition free for first and second year full time students. CCC’s funding is increased and decreased as follows:

·      California State Teachers' Retirement System Employer Contribution Rate — a $3 billion one-time payment to the California State Teachers' Retirement System.

·      $248.3 million Proposition 98 General Fund for a 3.46-percent cost-of-living adjustment.

·      $26 million Proposition 98 available for enrollment growth.

·      A decrease of $211.4 million Proposition 98 General Fund as a result of increased offsetting local property tax revenues.

·      Adult Education Block Grant Program — An increase of $18 million to fund the cost-of‐living adjustment of 3.46 percent.

·      CCC Facilities—An increase of $358.7 million in general obligation bond funding for 12 new and 15 continuing projects. This allocation under Proposition 51 will address critical fire and other safety issues at campuses.


Student Aid at UC, CSU and CCC, the Cal Grant Program — An increase of $32.5 million in 2018-19 and $198.6 million in 2019-20 to reflect the increasing numbers awardees in 2018-19 and 2019-20.


Prepared by: Lucien Wulsin

Dated: 1/26/19

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