Biden-Harris Lead Continues to Grow

Biden-Harris Lead Continues to Grow



The lead for Biden-Harris continues to grow as election officials count every vote.

·       Arizona = 12,813             

·       Georgia = 12,651

·       Michigan = 146,123

·       Nevada = 36,726

·       Pennsylvania = 47,566

·       Wisconsin = 20,540


Recounts are likely in Wisconsin and Georgia due to the narrow margin of victory, but they typically only change a few hundred votes. Georgia’s recount is now underway and due to be complete by November 20.


Overall, Biden-Harris’ popular vote lead has grown to over 5,067,076, and is likely to continue to grow. President Trump has lost the popular vote overwhelmingly.


Biden-Harris have won 306 electoral votes. This will be a big and decisive Electoral College victory.


Trump and his personal attorney Rudy Giuliani are claiming it’s all due to election fraud; there is no evidence to back that up, and their cases are being tossed out of court due to the failure to provide evidence. FRCP Rule 11 sanctions may be appropriate. This is conduct worthy of a tin horn dictator in a banana republic, not a great democratic nation.


Trump is firing the top Defense Department officials; this is giving rise to some speculation a coup is being considered. He may seek to replace intelligence and law enforcement officials as well as leaders in the Department of Homeland Security and other important federal agencies.


Meanwhile Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and most Republican Senators fail to step up to their oaths and obligations to defend the Constitution against the President’s assaults on the democratic process. It is unclear whether they are terrified of the President, are waiting for him to return to sanity and accept his defeat, or hoping it will help mobilize their donors for the Georgia run-off elections. This could end up backfiring quite badly for them as most voters would prefer a bi-partisan effort to tackle the Covid pandemic and the resulting unemployment and recession as opposed to merit-less and pointless claims of voter fraud and obstruction of the transition in governance.


The head of GSA is refusing to provide the access required to the Biden transition team. One assumes she is either a die-hard Trump loyalist or unwilling to lose her job by allowing the Biden team the access required by law during transition. She may be able to stall until early December when the election results are certified. This is ridiculous and harms all Americans to deny access to the federal agencies and intelligence briefings that the Biden-Harris administration will need to govern effectively.


Attorney General Barr seems to want to use the US Justice Department personnel to back Trump’s political campaign against his election loss – a major violation of the Hatch Act and of long-standing Justice Department policy to keep law enforcement out of partisan electioneering.


The end game is that Trump will get escorted out of the White House at noon on January 20 whether he concedes or not, and until that time he is the lawful President of the United States. Any persons taking up arms against the scheduled transition of power could be courting treason; the federal definition of treason is quite narrow and very specifically designed to stop armed insurrections against a new, duly elected government (armed militia movements take note).



Prepared by: Lucien Wulsin

Dated: 11/10/20

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