Georgia on My Mind

Georgia on My Mind


I hope you will join me in supporting Jon Ossoff and the Reverend Raphael Warnock for the two Senate seats in the January run-off elections in Georgia. We can win this. We must win this.


Jon Ossoff is running against David Perdue. Senator Perdue is just under 50% and Ossoff is a hair behind him. Ossoff’s background is as an investigative journalist and before that as a Congressional staffer with an extensive national security background. He was born and raised in Atlanta, and this is his second try for elective office, coming very close in a Congressional race in 2016. He has done investigations of ISIS war crimes in the Middle East and of death squads in East Africa, among others.


Senator Perdue has opposed and sought to repeal the Affordable Care Act. He has been a down the line supporter of Donald Trump (probably even more conservative than him), including some racist remarks and political campaign literature. During the pandemic he bought and sold millions of dollars in stocks allegedly with insider information acquired from his role in private Senate briefings. His career in business prior to running for the Senate had been mixed – successfully running Reebok and Dollar General and leading Pillowtek into bankruptcy, laying off its workers and profiting quite handsomely from its closure after only a short stint at the helm.  


Reverend Raphael Warnock is running against Kelly Loeffler. This is Warnock’s first run for public office; he is a distinguished theologian and the chief pastor at Ebenezer Baptist Church, the church of Dr. Martin Luther King. He was born in Savannah, GA, one of 12 children in a family living in public housing; he went on to get his master in theology and doctorate in philosophy at Union Theological Seminary. He has led community efforts to persuade the Georgia legislature to adopt the Medicaid expansion component of the ACA and for voter registration and to prevent voter suppression. He got about 1/3rd of the vote in the November general election. 


Senator Loeffler was appointed to the seat by Georgia Governor Brian Kemp earlier this year. She has had a 100% Trump voting record during her short stint in the Senate and describes herself as the most conservative member of the Senate. She got in ethical trouble earlier this year by selling and buying millions of dollars in stocks coincident with insider information she had acquired after a January 24, 2020 briefing of the Senate about the Covid 19 pandemic. She says that she was not to blame as a third party bought and sold the stocks on her behalf. She got about 1/4th of the vote in the November General Election.


At a time when the President and many of his allies refuse to recognize President-elect Biden’s election or even to call to congratulate him, let alone help him in healing the sharp national divides exacerbated by President Trump, Joe Biden will need as many allies as possible to move forward with the measures needed to combat Covid 19 and restore the economy, civility and our democracy. Please support Reverend Warnock ( and Jon Ossoff ( in the run-off for Georgia’s United States Senate seats in early January.


Prepared by Lucien Wulsin


Dated: 11/9/20






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