Report from Los Angeles 12/14/20
The first vaccines arrived at LAX yesterday – about 300,000 for our county of 10 million. It will take until next June for all of us who wish to to get vaccinated.
Over 12,000 new Covid 19 cases were reported yesterday, and over 4000 persons were hospitalized. Case rates doubled in the last two weeks and quadrupled in the last 4 weeks.
Overall, we have had over 8,000 deaths and over 525,000 infected in our county.
Our testing positivity rate is approaching 12% -- a fourfold increase from about two months ago when it was under 3%.
We are running out of ICU beds – less than 8% capacity now available. Rationing and further restrictions are getting more likely with every passing day.
Please wear your masks, stay well distanced and safe for your sake, for all of us. We can get through this if you do so.
Write your Congressperson asking for passage of the stimulus package so we can get help for the unemployed, small businesses, vaccine distribution and funding for schools and firefighters.
Be safe.