Covid 19 Cases in India and Africa

Covid 19 Cases in India and Africa


There are a bit less than 6,000 confirmed Covid 19 cases in India and about 170 deaths in a nation of 1.3 billion. India has been on country-wide lockdown since the latter part of March. The high percentage of young may mitigate the devastation of the pandemic. There are wide variations between those regions of India that have invested in their health systems and those that have not, and wide variations as well in the extent of poverty by region. This very poor nation had been making fast economic progress up ‘til now.


About 10,000 persons are confirmed infected in Africa. But in a continent of more than a billion people, the projections are that about a quarter of the population could become infected. The high percentage of young may serve as a buffer from the devastation the pandemic could wreak on the continent. The regional civil wars will make matters far worse.


We must not lose ourselves in parochialism and inward looking nationalism when this pandemic is global in scope.


Prepared by: Lucien Wulsin

Dated: 4/9/20


Reporting in from Home in LA

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