Spitting out the Bait

Spitting out the Bait


Portland’s Wall of Moms stood up to the armed federal officers sent in by Donald Trump to beat and cow Portland’s protests about police brutality. They made them look like utter fools – chanting “Feds stay clear, Portland’s mom’s are here”. https://www.cnn.com/2020/07/20/us/wall-of-moms-portland-protest-trnd/index.html


A few days earlier naked Athena appeared out of nowhere to do yoga and dance moves then sit down in the middle of the street confronting and then dispersing the armed officers about to attack the protesters. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-8540579/Naked-Athena-protester-confronts-Portland-police.html


A day later, a middle aged, retired Navy officer went up to the armed federal officers to ask them to remember their oath of service to defend the Constitution. They beat and gassed him, and he earned the sobriquet “Portland’s Man of Steel” for his calm courage to his duty as a US citizen. https://www.huffpost.com/entry/navy-vet-chris-david-portland-federal-stormtroopers_n_5f1608b7c5b615860bb60c51


Yesterday, the federal agents tear gassed the wall of moms, so dads with leaf blowers showed up to send the gas back to whence it came. https://www.newsweek.com/portland-dads-leaf-blowers-join-wall-moms-blow-back-tear-gas-police-1519673 You can’t make this stuff up.

Non-violent civil disobedience with humor such as these courageous acts is our best way to defang Trump’s thuggish over-reactions to our nation’s peaceful protests about the police brutality and rampant racism encouraged by the President. The President is looking for every opportunity and excuse to show force and apply martial law in the face of the public’s growing disdain for him and his policies.


We must overwhelmingly overthrow wanna-be despot Donald in November and cast out his complicit enablers. We must win big; we must show grace and compassion and we must then be ready to defend our victory and take our country back.


Prepared by: Lucien Wulsin

Dated: 7/21/20

Report from LA (7/22/20)

The Courage to Live in Challenging Times – Portland and John Lewis – Echoes