Fighting for a Fair Election in 2020

Fighting for a Fair Election in 2020


“If the 2020 election is fair and as it stands now, Democrats will win the presidency if they actually vote. President Trump’s best hope of winning is to corrupt the election process by suppressing the vote.


“This highlights opportunities to become involved in protecting the vote -- the cornerstone of our democracy We must support the electoral process from top to bottom.


“The 2020 election will be determined by turnout. Trump has two choices: increase Republican turnout or decrease Democratic turnout. He knows his base is shrinking, so he really has only one option: suppress Democratic turnout.


“We can increase turnout by registering new voters, encouraging existing voters to show up on election day, and encouraging the use of mail-in ballots. We can support efforts before election day to challenge efforts designed to make it more difficult to vote. We can show up on election day as volunteers or poll watchers. And, after election day, we can participate in legal challenges to efforts to discard or ignore votes that have been cast. 



“Here are a few ideas for each one of us:


 PostCardsToVoters asks volunteers to mail handwritten postcards reminding voters in crucial races to vote.


VoteForward has a goal of sending 10 million letters to voters before election day.


NAACP Civil Engagement Project needs volunteers to call or text Black voters, reminding them to vote. 


Color of Change provides periodic action steps that members can take to promote social justice, including protecting voting rights.


Sister District is a grass-roots organization dedicated to state legislatures. Although it engages in letter writing, it also has a broader strategy that includes phone banking, text banking, and canvassing. follows a similar strategy of supporting key races in state legislatures. It provides volunteer opportunities for phone banking, texting, and canvassing.


 SwingLeft is focusing on U.S. Senate races by creating strategic funds for close races, and also offers virtual volunteer events for collective action on expanding and encouraging voter registration and turnout in local, state, and federal races.


 The League of Women Voters is a highly effective, multi-faceted organization with chapters across the U.S. Its mission includes education, registration, election support, voter access, and fighting voter suppression.


 Campus Engagement Election Project (CEEP) focuses on overcoming barriers to voting for college students. mission is to ensure that all citizens are able to exercise their right to vote by helping citizens obtain voter ID cards. State requirements for voter ID vary wildly. VoteRiders provides resources, education, and training. VoteRiders is particularly helpful for college students living away from home.


  NextGen America is working to turn out people under the age of 35 who are less likely to vote or who are not currently registered to vote.


 Fair Fight 2020 is dedicated to protecting voter access across the U.S. People have volunteered through Fair Fight as poll watchers and field organizers in special elections over the last year. 


 Win2020 provides a list of House and Senate candidates in close races where financial support can make the difference between victory and defeat. 


 If you are an attorney who is willing to provide volunteer legal services, the Lawyers Committee for Civil Rights Under Law has a special Election Protection project. You can assist by answering questions from voters over the phone or by helping voters at polling locations.


The ACLU also provides election protection. Follow the link on the ACLU website to the “Take Action” page and connect with your local ACLU chapter. 


The Black Voters Matter Fund provides training for a one-day “Warrant Clinic” to help remove outstanding warrants and fines that create barriers to employment, housing, and voting. 


 Blue Wave Coalition in Florida is dedicated to electing leaders who share democratic values. Florida is an important state in 2020 and beyond.”


Remember Congressman John Robert Lewis and act accordingly!

Report from LA (8/6/20)

An Open Letter to Congress (7/29/20) on the 4th Covid 19 Stimulus Package