The Census, the Undercount, the Impacts

The Census


The census governs representation in Congress and distribution of federal funds to states and localities. States have to reapportion every 10 years based on the census data.


At this point only 6 out of 10 Americans have filled out their census forms – Covid 19 has impaired, delayed the household by household counting. So 40% of American residents are still uncounted – primarily people of color and immigrants.


The Trump Administration has ordered an earlier completion to the census count – moving it up from the end of October to the end of September.


Democrats have suggested a four month delay in the deadline for the Census Bureau to complete its county – til July 2021 – to give the census counters sufficient time to reach every resident. Republicans and the White House are opposed.


The Census Bureau reports that $675 billion in federal funds covering 132 federal programs are distributed based on the Census Bureau data.  


The Trump Administration does not want to count undocumented immigrants as part of the Census. The Courts have told them they must.


The Trump Administration does not want undocumented immigrants to count as part of reapportionment. That is as yet undecided. This would cost Florida, Texas and California one seat each.


Prepared by: Lucien Wulsin

Dated: 8/11/20





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