Report from LA -- 8/12/20

Report from LA 8/12/20


New cases are down, positivity is down, hospitalizations are down, and deaths are down. So this is a steady downward trend, and that’s all to the good. LA’s deaths are still 4 times as high in low-income neighborhoods as compared to the high income neighborhoods.


People are getting better about mask wearing on the hiking trails, but the trails are really crowded on the weekends, same with beaches and the water. This coming weekend, it is supposed to be hot, so we should expect the worst.


The state has discovered that it was not getting posted all the recent lab results – equal to over 250,000 tests. The Public Health Director took the fall for this and has resigned. An old friend is now the Acting Director, and she’s terrific.


However, the state has a lot to answer for:

1) the computer glitch on testing results

2) the shift of infected prisoners to San Quentin without testing

3) the failures to inspect and assure adequate testing and PPE in nursing homes

4) the slow processing of UI eligibility and thus endless delays in getting checks issued

5) the long delays in getting test results

6) the too quick reopening of bars and indoor dining over Memorial Day, leading to the resurgence.


On the positive, Governor Newsom admits mistakes, learns from them and fixes them unlike a certain nameless orange someone. He communicates truth as opposed to lies and dangerous misinformation.


Prepared by: Lucien Wulsin

Dated: 8/12/20



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