Infrastructure Package

Infrastructure Package


This is a five-year bill, costing $1.2 trillion of which $550 billion is new funding. Most of it is paid for by redirecting unspent Covid Relief funds. It has been 10 years in the making. Biden initially proposed $1.9 trillion; Senators Portman and Sinema were the key Senate negotiators on what became a bi-partisan bill.


Obama initially proposed it; Senate Republicans and House Republicans shot it down; it was eventually whittled down to $300 billion and passed in 2015. Trump talked about it all the time, suggesting $1 trillion, but never actually  followed through and proposed it; he got endorsements from Pelosi and Shumer. He got sidetracked building his fifteen miles of new Mexican border wall. For their own specific reasons, the Squad voted against it, Trump railed against it, and many House Republicans voted no. Those Republicans voting yes are getting death threats from Trump supporters.


Roads and bridges

Twenty percent of American roads are in poor repair and 45 bridges are in poor condition. Biden proposed $159 billion; Congress approved $110 billion. Part of the funding is for better highway safety, including for the first-time pedestrians and bicyclists -- $11 billion.


Public transit and rail

There is $66 billion for passenger and freight rail and $39 billion for public transit. This includes improvements in passenger trains in the northeast and expanded service in the South, Midwest and West. Public transportation will be expanded, modernized and upgraded to zero emission vehicles.



Internet will be expanded into rural communities that have little, slow or spotty access. Subsidized, low-cost affordable plans will be available for low income subscribers.


Airports, ports and waterways

There is $25 billion for airports and $17 billion for ports to modernize, repair and reduce congestion, emissions, and supply chain blockages.


Power grid

There is $65 billion to expand and rebuild the electric power grid, to reduce carbon emissions and make it more reliable and resilient.


Water infrastructure

There is $55 billion to replace lead pipes and assure safe, clean drinking water.


Electric vehicle charging stations

$7.5 billion for a national network of fast EV charging stations.


Resiliency of infrastructure

$50 billion to address impacts of heat, floods, drought, wild fires on infrastructure.


Environmental clean up

$21 billion to clean up Superfund sites, brownfield sites, abandoned mines, oil wells and gas wells.



Build Back Better Bill

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