Vaccine Hesitancy and Covid Denialism

Vaccine Hesitancy and Covid Denialism

Lies, lies and ever more lies



Donald Trump’s lies about Covid 19 have been destructive and deadly in facilitating the spread. It’s up to all of us to counteract them.


His lies about Covid 19 birthed the anti-mask, anti social distancing and anti-vaccine streams of Covid deniers. About 1/4th of Americans say they will not get vaccinated; some are due to pre-existing anti-vax movements; some are responding to Trump’s politicization of Covid 19 and public health. In California where Trump is less popular; the anti-vax movement is about 1/10th of our population. In other states like Wyoming, Idaho or Mississippi, the anti-vax movement is about 30%. Often there is wide variation between counties on vaccine hesitancy; for example see the large swath in the middle of South Dakota that is the most vaccine hesitant. Rural, Trump supporting counties like Yuba, Sutter, Tehama and Lassen were the counties with the lowest vaccination rates in California. Trump did issue a statement in the middle of March encouraging his supporters to get their shots. He wants credit for developing the vaccines. The secret sauces to reaching those who are vaccine-resistant due to their Trumpian ideology are: 1) reinforcing and repeated messages from their own doctor, 2) their local religious leader, and 3) respected local leaders.


Income and race and age and geography also play major roles in who has not yet been vaccinated in California; residents who are younger, lower income, rural residents and people of color all experience lower vaccination rates. The solutions to reaching these communities are very different, depending on whom you need to reach. The single shot, J and J vaccine that can be stored in a common refrigerator is best constructed to reach sparsely populated rural communities and those populations with limited regular access to doctors and nurses like the homeless. Some will be best reached with mobile vans, local pharmacies or walk-in clinics, or weekend or evening hours. Some are best reached at their work sites or at Sunday services. Sometimes, a carrot, like free donuts or a discount card for Walgreens or CVS, works charms. Other times, it's the ability to access special sporting events or concerts that motivates the unmotivated. For some, it’s just the passage of time and the repetition of information and dispelling of misinformation about the vaccines. We need to recognize that the initial appointment system required both computer skills and persistence, patience for long lines and a real drive to get vaccinated; we are now trying to reach a very different population than the early adopters and highly motivated seniors, and we need to adjust and target the tactics needed to reach the rest of the un-vaccinated.

We should be encouraged that under Biden, steady and gentle persuasion and solid information will be joined with much improved access to the vaccine. We do need to remember that this is a global pandemic and we need to be concerned about Covid catastrophes in India and South America — a dire situation that not so very long ago was our very own.


Prepared by: Lucien Wulsin

Dated: 5/4/21

Trump’s Lies about Presidential Elections

Covid in Los Angeles (5/2/21)