September 15, 2023
Dear friends, family, and colleagues,
Happy Labor Day and hope you are well and had a wonderful summer.
I hope you will consider supporting Lawyers Defending American Democracy (LDAD). We are a small organization which has had a very large impact in a short time.
LDAD has been extremely active in trying to hold lawyers, like Rudy Giuliani, Jeffrey Clark, John Eastman, and Kenneth Chesebro who sought to overthrow a free and fair election, to account for their conduct in violation of the attorney’s ethical code and the lawyer’s oath. Attorneys take an oath to uphold the US Constitution, and they are subject to professional ethical obligations such as truthfulness (Rule 4.1), candor (Rule 3.3), and meritorious claims (Rule 3.1) in their dealings with the state and federal judicial systems and other interested parties. The guts of these obligations are that as a lawyer you cannot simply lie and file claims unsupported by the facts and the law in your efforts to reverse an election result.
LDAD also has worked hard to develop a model code of judicial conduct for the US Supreme Court Justices, who unlike any other federal or state justices have not been subject to any code of judicial ethics.
Our Democracy withstood the January 6 insurrection and the concerted illegal efforts to overthrow free and fair election results in the lead up to January 6. The threats and the perils to our democratic institutions are not simply going away; they have increased rather than abated; to the point that the leaders of 13 Presidential libraries recently joined their bi-partisan voices to warn all of us of the imminent threats to and fragile nature of our American democracy.
We need and would be deeply grateful for your support for LDAD now.
Many thanks and all my best wishes and appreciation.
LDAD Board Member