Report from LA 10/23/20

Report from LA 10/23/20


Cases are way up, tests are down, positivity is up, hospitalizations are up and deaths are down. Deaths are down the most in low-income neighborhoods and among Hispanics where death rates were much higher than in other neighborhoods and demographics.


We are comparatively doing well in CA and in LA and need to keep it that way. People are wearing masks and staying socially distanced and generally being friendly towards each other. Disney and other theme parks want to re-open, so far the answer is no.


Early voting is surging, particularly among Democratic voters. One ballot box was torched, and hundreds of ballots were destroyed. I see mostly Biden-Harris masks, but Trump banners are flown on some big, loud motor-boats.


There has been an increase in racist and hate attacks down in the OC. I don’t know about elsewhere.


The weather has cooled off, and fires are under control for now.


There has been a slow return to school of some of the more affluent school districts, like Malibu or Palos Verdes. Some of the private and parochial schools are reopening. The teacher’s unions in LA are strongly opposed to reopening, but parents increasingly want their kids to be able to get back to in person classes, but safely. Low-income kids are losing out badly due to the failures of distant learning to educate their kids. Our grandkids are back in school with lots of safeguards.


I’m increasingly worried about the potential for violence from right wing militias when and if Trump is defeated. He needs to lose very badly for the transition to go well.


Stay well and vote, best.








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Updates on Flipping the Senate 10/23/20