Georgia, Oh Georgia
Georgia Giving Ideas for Thanksgiving
Stacy Abram's work will be key in this election. Her work is voter education and registration. You can give to Fair Fight
There are other key organizations working on the ground in Georgia to assure all Georgia voters have their rights to cast their ballots protected, and all US citizens have their rights to register assured.
· ACLU GA 501(c)3
· Black PAC
· ProGeorgia 501(c) 3
· Voto Latino
· Voter Participation Center 501(c) 3
Voter Education and vote by mail will be essential, given the pandemic. There is much work to be done on promotions at barbershops, beauty salons, and other high visibility businesses.
Unless Covid is stopped and the economy boosted; we are headed for another tough year. Unemployment insurance benefits for the gig workers expire as do protections against evictions and foreclosures; many Americans are hurting badly right now. The President is golfing and scheming with his old pal Rudy Giuliani and seeking to derail the will of the American voters. His Administration is blocking the Biden’s team access to the federal agencies, the intelligence information and the transition to keep America safe from foreign plots and to distribute the new Pfizer and Moderna vaccines to the American people.
Biden-Harris’ Election Day victory and inauguration gives us all new hope. If Reverend Raphael Warnock and Jon Ossoff can win both seats, there will be a 50/50 tie in the US Senate with VP Harris casting the deciding votes. Without them, Senate Republicans, led by Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, will block most of the Biden legislative agenda. Please consider Georgia-giving for your Thanksgiving.
Love and safety to all,
Lucien Wulsin