Oxford-Astra Zeneca’s Vaccine has 70% Efficacy

Oxford-Astra Zeneca’s Vaccine has 70% Efficacy




Initial results for the Oxford University Astra Zeneca vaccine shows 70% efficacy. “The Oxford vaccine is a genetically modified common cold virus that used to infect chimpanzees. It has been altered to stop it causing an infection in people and to carry the blueprints for part of the coronavirus, known as the spike protein. Once these blueprints are inside the body they start producing the coronavirus' spike protein, which the immune system recognizes as a threat and tries to squash it.”


It was tested on over 20,000 subjects in the UK and Brazil. It costs far less to manufacture than the Moderna and Pfizer vaccines – about $4.00 –, and it will be sold at cost. It is easier to distribute and store and administer since it does not require super cold temperatures, but instead can be used with normal refrigeration. So it is a vaccine that can be readily used all over the globe. They believe they can improve and reach 90% efficacy with a two shot approach; the first would be a half dose and the second would be a full dose.


Prepared by: Lucien Wulsin

Dated: 11/23/20



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