Covid 19 Update and Other Important News from LA -- 11/5/20

Covid 19 Update from LA 11/5/20


Our testing is up, our positivity is up, our cases are up, our hospitalizations are up, and our deaths are still down.

Where I am; people wear their masks, and social distancing amongst the twenty something’s has improved.


This is not a surge like in the Midwest and elsewhere. I’m sure we will succumb to the spread that is spreading in Europe and the Midwest unless we stay on top of social distancing and mask wearing in the upcoming holidays.


There are many “count the vote” rallies, and there was even a pro-Trump rally over in Beverly Hills.


Tanya Ortiz Franklin won a vacant seat on the School Board, so there is renewed hope that the Board will become more effective in its efforts to educate the kids of LA and hold the principals and teachers to higher standards of educational performance. George Gascon won the DA’s race, and Holly Mitchell won the open seat on the LA Board of Supervisors. Both are very progressive so we have lots to look forward to in terms of criminal justice and policing reforms and in improving social services to the most disadvantaged. 


State rent control was defeated; gig workers will be denied labor code protections available to all other employees; reform of the bail system was defeated; property tax reforms for businesses were defeated. These are all big losses where corporate interests spent big bucks to protect their own interests via the state’s initiative and referendum process. The efforts by law enforcement unions to roll back criminal justice reforms did not succeed. And felons who have served their state prison terms and are released on parole can now vote.


Too early to tell on many of the super-tight Congressional races down in the OC where Republican are trying to make a comeback even though Trump lost in Orange County.



Prepared by: Lucien Wulsin

Dated: 11/5/20







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