Cleansing the Augean Stables

Cleansing the Augean Stables


We need a strong, honest, competent two party system to represent our different points of view. We need a principled Republican party that can be trusted by all Americans, regardless of party affiliation. House and Senate Republicans just participated in a massive, corrupt cover-up of President Trump, and in my opinion have thus disqualified themselves from future office holding with a major stain on all their reputations.


They all took oaths to uphold the Constitution. Many of them took an additional oath to do impartial justice. It would have taken only four Republican Senators’ votes to break through the President’s cover-up and hear the relevant witnesses who were in the rooms where it happened, but only two defied the President and Leader McConnell. They broke their solemn oaths, and they did so openly and flagrantly in order to save their own political power. It’s now up to the ultimate jury, American voters to replace them in upcoming party primaries and in the November general elections with more honorable officeholders.


We can no longer tolerate party members that lie to Americans; we cannot have a party inimical to the Constitutional principles that our founding fathers created. House and Senate GOP members need to be replaced by a new, honest GOP filled with principled individuals true to their party’s ideals.


We must have honest dialogue among members of parties coming from different points of view and perspectives. We need to find workable compromises that move the nation forward together. We cannot do so with members who break their sacred oaths of office.


Senator Mitt Romney (Utah) and Representative Justin Amash (Michigan) have to form the foundations of the new GOP. They should be joined by Governor Weld (Massachusetts), Governor Sanford (South Carolina), Senator Flake (Arizona), Senator Corker (Tennessee), Senator Cohen (Maine) and Representative Walsh (Illinois). Other potential charter members could include: Governor Scott (Vermont), Governor Hogan (Maryland), Governor Baker (Massachusetts), Governor Kasich (Ohio) and Governor Schwarzenegger (California).


When properly aroused, the American voters have the powers of Hercules to sweep the corruption free from the halls of our nation’s Capitol. Let’s do it, starting right now.


Prepared by: Lucien Wulsin

Dated: February 6, 2020

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